Attracting and Retaining Personnel Attracting and Retaining Personnel
In 2020, the Bank continued to develop its employer brand, which was highly praised by the market.
In 2020, despite the coronavirus pandemic and changes in business processes during the transition to a remote working environment, VTB recruited over 11.7 thousand employees, including 1.2 thousand for management positions, over 1.4 thousand for IT positions and 7.5 thousand for positions in the Bank's regional network. More than 1.1 thousand highly qualified employees were hired as part of the development of one of the Bank's key strategic projects, the 600 Days programme.
Innovative recruitment technologies
One of the important initiatives in 2020 was the introduction of robotised technology in the recruitment process, making it possible to implement a convenient and paperless path from initial candidate job application to employment, as well as to improve the quality of recruitment processes and reduce recruitment time by almost half. In 2020, automated technology was used to hire around 3.5 thousand employees in VTB's nationwide network units, representing 46% of all hires in the Bank's network.
In 2020, the career portal was further developed. A special place on the website was taken by a section describing VTB's values, which are also communicated through the success stories of the Group's employees. In 2020, the overall number of unique visitors to the portal exceeded 600 thousand, of whom 40 thousand applied to VTB's jobs.
Career Planning at VTB
An important initiative introduced in 2020 was a large-scale Career Paths programme for employees working in VTB's regional network. The programme aims to create a comprehensive and effective system for promoting people within the organisation, developing and retaining high-performing employees and reducing the time required for them to adapt to their new roles. The programme is automated, is delivered through the Bank's Corporate Training Portal and is a platform that allows employees to plan their careers, declare their interest in specific job openings and formulate further steps for development.
Attracting young talent
The VTB Group puts great emphasis on attracting young talent and engaging with potential employees – students from major universities both in and outside Russia. Every year the Bank concludes agreements with the largest universities in the regions of operation and provides internships for students.
VTB Bank has cooperation agreements with over 200 universities nationwide. In 2020, 23 agreements on cooperation with universities were concluded. The main objectives of cooperation are to improve the professional skills of graduates of Russian universities and to provide students with internships and traineeships at the Bank. During the year, VTB Bank organised 193 online events for university students.
Personal grants programme One Step Ahead
In 2020, VTB Bank launched the One Step Ahead programme to support talented undergraduate students. More than 9 thousand students from 350 Russian universities in 16 cities took part in the competition. A total of 50 students were named finalists, each of whom received RUB 100,000 from VTB Bank for their professional development.
Online Hackathon
The Online Hackathon was held for the first time in 2020 in two development areas: web and mobile. A total of 470 young IT specialists took part in the competition. A set of measures to work with young IT specialists helps VTB to build its positioning among the IT audience.
VTB Internship Programme
The Bank continues to develop its internship programme for students and young specialists. A total of 524 students participated in internships in 2020, resulting in 184 new employees being hired by the Bank.
Special attention is paid to IT internships. In 2020, a new direction "IT Specialist School" was opened - development programmes combining intensive theoretical training and work in project teams with practical application of knowledge in the following directions: Java, DevOps, iOS, and automated testing. A total of 150 interns joined VTB's IT team in 2020 (along with IT Junior graduates).
Increasing employee engagement
As part of the implementation of the human capital and corporate culture development strategy, an employee engagement survey is conducted every two years.
In the reporting period, a number of initiatives aimed at increasing the level of employee engagement were implemented based on the results of the 2019 survey. It is planned to conduct another engagement survey and assess the results in the dynamics in autumn 2021.