Talent Training and Development
The VTB Group offers employees ample opportunities for training and professional development.
Various training initiatives are regularly run across the Group, allowing our team members to gain new knowledge and skills so that they can realise their potential to the fullest.
The priorities for employee development in 2020 were determined by the objectives of the VTB Group's Development Strategy and corporate values, as well as the challenges of the new reality, which call for flexibility and a readiness to change, a stronger culture of leadership and efficiency, and greater digitalisation and customer focus.
In the reporting period, training became more adaptive, based on building an individual learning path taking into account the current knowledge, abilities and motivation of employees. The absolute majority of training programmes were transferred to the online format using new digital capabilities.
Training extends to all staff, from managers at various levels to employees, including front-office staff.
The average annual hours of training per Group employee totalled 39.5 academic hours . The largest volume of training for employees among the Group's companies was organised by VTB Bank. VTB Bank delivers 47.7 academic hours of training per employee, where 48.5% are e-learning courses. Over 64 thousand full-time employees received training in 2019.
Success Factors in the Development of VTB Bank Employees
Employee training system achievements
A significant achievement in 2020 was the implementation of the task of transferring training to an online format in order to ensure continuous and effective development of all categories of VTB personnel.
All new and current employees in our sales and support offices improved their professional qualifications and knowledge of the Bank's products and services: more than 7,236 new employees across the regional network received basic training.
A three-month online development marathon Study at Home was held to support work in a remote format. The key focuses of the marathon were determined by the current requests and needs of employees.
New training programmes for VTB employees
Cooperation with international business schools
In 2020, VTB Bank strengthened its partnerships with international business schools. Over 700 Bank managers attended courses at leading business schools, both open programmes and those adapted to the Bank's needs on relevant subjects. All programmes are implemented in a modern educational space using high-tech platforms that allow to design an effective learning process, close to full-time learning.
The managers chose the most interesting topics from the field of global expertise, interacted and exchanged experience with the heads of international global corporations.
Specialised personnel development programmes
Talent pooling
In 2020, the stage of selecting candidates for the management development programme for the Bank's regional network continued. The candidates underwent a multi-stage evaluation. The important selection criteria were the evaluation of performance and achievement of business indicators based on the results of 2019, the level of leadership potential development, and sharing of the Bank's values.
In 2020, 266 potential managers of the Bank's network became participants in the League of Champions succession pool programme. A development programme was launched for them, under which the succession pool members were trained at one of the world's leading business schools - the International Institute for Management Development (IMD, Switzerland). Professors from Stockholm School of Economics, Skolkovo School of Management in Moscow, the Higher School of Economics and other recognised external experts, as well as executives from the Bank, shared their experience with the programme participants.
All development programmes for succession pool members were specifically tailored to the nature of VTB Bank's business and were designed to be as applicable as possible. At the end of year 2020, 58 participants of the programme were promoted to higher positions.